- We had zone conference this week! My mission president talked a lot about faith, and the faith we have as missionaries. It made me think about my own faith as a a missionary right now, and it made me think "did I have enough faith in my last area to see changes in these people? Do I have enough faith to see changes in this area?" It made me a little discouraged about my missionary efforts, and especially about this area, since there aren't very many non-members in my area, just a lot of less actives. Well, on a lesson we had a few days later with one of our less actives, she said something that really stuck with me. She mentioned, back when she was way more less active than she is now, an elder pretty much told her that as missionaries our main agenda is to find and teach investigators, not really help with the less actives. She told us that really hurt her and made her think "is my own salvation and conversion to the gospel not as important in the eyes of the Lord as for someone who isn't already a member of the church?" When she said that, it made me think of the missionary purpose, which says that we need to "invite others to come unto Christ". That doesn't say "invite those who aren't already members", it says to invite others, which, could also mean to invite ALL to come unto Christ. It made me feel a lot better about my own missionary efforts and that I am here to help people, no matter who they are of what their background is.
- We went visiting teaching to these two cute older ladies, Jacky and Liesel and they are both less active and best friends. The purpose of this visiting teaching appointment was so that Jacky could learn how to lead the music so that she could lead in Relief Society. Sister Smith told me that when she first got to this area, she tried to go visit Jacky and she pretty much told them that they were welcome to come over whenever, but there was no way that she was ever going back to church. Since I have been here, Jacky has come to church TWICE and is now asking for a calling?? It's amazing. also, Liesel is the funniest little German lady you have ever seen. At the end she was like "okay, this has been nice, and I don't want to be rude, but can everyone leave now."
- So the other day we got to help with Winterfest, which is this giant fundraising thing the city puts on where people pretty much pay money to go jump into Bear Lake??? But all the money goes towards charity, so I guess it is fine. Usually they have to cut a hole out of the ice in the lake, but the lake didn't freeze over this year! It was snowing the whole time though, so it was pretty chilly. But we met lots of cool people and saw 100 people jump into the lake so it was all fun
There are more miracles but I'm just going to invite you now to go see the miracles in your own life. Also, go read Mosiah 4:9!!!! I love you guys, and I love being a missionary!! Have a good week!
-Hna Peterson
Zone Conference
The lake and a canyon we found. This place is so beautiful.
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